Interview with Taffey Tawanna Champion

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What are your five favorite books, and why?

My five favorite books are “The Holy Bible” King James version, “The Holy Bible” King James version with The Apocrypha, “Fit or Fat” by Covert Bailey, “The Fit or Fat Target Diet” by Covert Bailey, and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving. I love both Holy Bible books mostly because I enjoy reading and studying GOD’s holy word. I also enjoy reading Covert Bailey’s books because I have learned more about how to eat and exercise on a daily basis and also when dieting. I also enjoyed reading Washington Irving’s book when I was a little girl. Somehow, I was never afraid of The Headless Horseman. I just found him interesting and intriguing.

What do you read for pleasure?

I sometimes read Mystery novels and lightly romantic Romance novels for pleasure.

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?

I grew up in Greensboro, GA and although it is a small town, it had many advantages for students that took Advanced study classes. I always excelled at English, so being able to take Advanced level English (reading, writing and grammar) classes helped greatly with improving my writing abilities.

How do you approach cover design?

I did use my own Abstract/Impressionistic painting initially to use as my cover design for my E-Book, but have changed it. A brilliant artist, by the name of FrinaArt, designed my newest cover; for which, I am so grateful.

What motivated you to become an indie author?

I became an indie author because I worked for years on my E-Book and did not want to utilize the traditional publishing route; especially after reading Ali Luke’s “Publishing E-Books for DUMMIES”.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

The greatest joy of writing fiction for me is that I can let my imagination soar with fiction writing, and create anything my heart desires, and hopefully inspire other writers: whatever their favorite genre might be.

What do your fans mean to you?

I have recently been published, although I do have a few fans of my writing that knew about my E-Book before. Having these fans and hopefully many more fans will mean that I have persons that enjoy my writing and they will help inspire me to continue on my quest to become an established Author.

Do you believe in metaphysics or anything assocated with mystics or mystic rites or religious ceremonies? Is that why you created people called Mystics in your e-book?

No, I definitely did not create my characters based on anything religious. I am a writer of fiction, although I did think I should include religious beliefs in it before. My characters are simply by-products of a vivid and active imagination. Mystics just seemed like a good title for these individuals because Mystics in my E-Book series are like superheroes, that’s all. But, please do not confuse my fictitious creations with anything religious.

What or whom was your inspiration for becoming a writer, and with creating your main character, Evian Magi?

Mr. Keanu Reeves, the Actor, inspired my passion for Action Adventure writing because I always loved his Action films tremendously while I was growing up. Mr. Reeves also inspired the creation of my protagonist, Evian Magi, because he is the Mystic Fantasy Hero version of Mr. Keanu Reeves.
What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?
The reason why my Action Adventure/Futuristic Fantasy genre is special is because it is highly innovative and creative. I also invented this integrated genre myself for Mr. Keanu Reeves.
This Interview: published here and on


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